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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the NTE Class of 1975 website. We aren't going anywhere - this website is here for the long run so use it to keep in touch, let us know what is new in your life, and we will let you know of get-togethers, and other happenings.

NO ADS!!!  Thank you to all who donated! What a difference...

Your Reunion Committee has been hard at work and are thrilled to report that our venues are set for our 50th Reunion. Friday night we'll gather at the Kenilworth Assembly Hall, Saturday is a tour of the Winnetka New Trier campus with lunch to follow in the cafeteria, and Saturday night will be at the Glen View Club. Look for a letter in the next few weeks with more details.

PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FRIENDS and get them to update their profile and/or get signed up.  Everyone knows someone someone else doesn't know AND it is much easier in these days of the Internet than with snail mail & telephones.

On a more somber note, if you know of a classmate who is deceased, please contact us along with the year, if known.